when i just did nothing, what was i waiting for..

Posted: Selasa, 29 Maret 2011 by Pelajar Bodoh in




be patient, lad!

e-mail jam 2 pagi.

Posted: Senin, 28 Maret 2011 by Pelajar Bodoh in

hello guys,,,

Kemaren saya dapet e-mail dari seorang mahasiswa FKUI, isinya...
undangan untuk mengikuti National Medical and General Biology Competition ,diselenggarakan oleh AMSA (Asian Medical Students Association) Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia at 29 April - 1 Mei 2011.

wish me luck !

Want a Healthy Heart? Do not Forget Fiber!

Posted: Minggu, 27 Maret 2011 by Pelajar Bodoh in

Coronary heart disease (CHD) is one of the major causes of death in the world, including in Indonesia. Increasing the number of deaths is influenced by changes in lifestyle. High-fiber diet helps prevent the deadly attacks.
All the people would fear a heart attack that could end in sudden death. Citing a report, in a seminar on the heart, Dr. Idris Idham, Sp.JP, FESC, said that more than one million people in the United States suffered a heart attack each year.
Half of them suffered death in the first hours after the attack. The other half managed to reach the hospital to get help and was treated in the Intensive Coronary Care Unit (ICCU) or also called Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit (Cardio Vascular Care Unit).
The death rate of patients in the hospital could reach about 15 percent, usually due to death (necrose) extensive heart muscle. Approximately 425,000 patients admitted to the hospital, but about 10 percent (42,000 people) of that number died after a year later.
According to Drs. Idris, a heart attack occurs when there is death of heart muscle caused by interruption of blood supply to the heart muscle. The event was due to clogging of one or more coronary arteries by a blood clot. This blood clot called a thrombus. Blocked coronary arteries result in heart muscles have no other blood supply with all the nutrients it contains, such as glucose, vitamins, and minerals, hormones and electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium.
Still, you do not need to worry. To reduce the risk of interference above, various efforts can be made. The point is to always keep blood cholesterol levels that can be blamed clogged coronary arteries, not high. In addition to use of vitamin B3 (niacin), C, and E, the effort can also be done with high-fiber diet.
Fiber Benefits
Once the fiber is considered as a forgotten nutrient because its function is unclear. However, as one component of food, fiber is now known to have an important role in maintaining health.
Fiber consists of two types, namely, soluble fiber and insoluble. Soluble fiber is not digested by digestive enzymes, but soluble in hot water. Soluble fiber is what makes the stomach full longer and longer energizing and helpful in lowering blood cholesterol levels. Commonly found in fruits and vegetables, especially serelia like oats.
Insoluble fiber are not digested and does not dissolve in hot water. Although not digestible, said DR. Ali Khomsan, fibers have metabolic functions of essential nutrients. In the digestive tract, fiber helps the fermentation process the nutrients. Fiber is useful to prevent constipation and is gentle to avoid the risk of colon and stomach cancer. This fiber contained in vegetables such as asparagus, peas, and oats serelia like.
Because not digested, fiber into the colon (large intestine) in one piece. Fiber reaches the colon in large volume and requires a broad, resulting in satiety. Therefore, the presence of fibers in the stomach and digestive tract will reduce one’s desire to eat more, thus preventing the risk of obesity.
According to Drs. Lanny Lestiani, Sp.G (K), MSc., A nutritionist from the Department of Nutritional Sciences Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia (FKUI), high-fiber diet helps lower cholesterol in the blood. Fiber useful in retaining water and the viscosity in the digestive tract, will be converted into a gel in the intestine. The goal is to hold water so that people do not easily hungry.
Vegetable Cook
DR. Ali Khomsan added fiber sources like vegetables and fruits easily found in daily menu. Vegetables can be eaten in raw form or after processing by boiling. Even so, the results of a student research Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Rahayu, 1990, shows dietary fiber in cooked vegetables actually increased compared with raw vegetables.
How can this? The process of cooking it would eliminate some nutrients. In addition, the process of cooking also causes the browning reaction in nutritional analysis counted as dietary fiber. This is what causes the cooked vegetables had a higher fiber content. In his research, Rahayu found that the vegetables are boiled with water to produce the highest dietary fiber content (6.40 percent), steamed (6.24 percent), cooked with coconut milk (5.98 percent), and raw (5.97 percent).
In general, fiber in the vegetables reached 32 percent, 38 percent fruit, 32 percent wheat, and beans 25 percent. Dr. Lanny, the need for fiber is 10-14 gr/1.000 Indonesia calories.
Oat Fiber
Not be denied, Indonesia is now flooded with oat products, often called oatmeal, entered in serelia family. Compared to rice each contain 100 grams 0.1 grams of soluble fiber and wheat which only 2.2 grams, per 100 grams of oats contain 5.1 grams of soluble fiber. High in fiber makes oats feasible option to be used as high-fiber diet.

As an illustration, a soluble fiber in the body can bind cholesterol and remove it from the body. The role that is capable of lowering blood cholesterol levels, to reduce the risk of CHD. People who are obese can also combine oats with low-cholesterol foods and fats. Oats can be utilized in the form of oatmeal, biscuits, and bread.
How do oats reduce cholesterol? The following short description:
1. In the liver, cholesterol is converted into bile acids, and then released into the small intestine to help digest fats from food consumed.
2. If mengasup oatmeal, oat soluble fiber in the small intestine to form a gel that binds fat, cholesterol, and bile acids.
3. Because bound by soluble oat fiber in the form of gels, some bile acids can not be absorbed back through the wall of the intestine, and bile acids excreted through the large intestine, so that bile acids in the liver decreased.
4. To replace the lost bile acids, the liver will pull cholesterol from the blood to produce bile acids.
5. As a result, total blood cholesterol levels will decrease.
6. By decreasing blood cholesterol levels, the risk of CHD can be prevented.

Child Talent Through peer Fingerprint Analysis

Posted: by Pelajar Bodoh in

The earliest steps to develop the potential of intelligence is to recognize the child’s talents and learning styles. To find out, parents can bring children to do the fingerprint analysis (fingerprint analysis).
Fingerprint analysis is a method of measurement by scanning (scanning) the child’s fingerprints to see the brain working style of the most dominant in terms of potential, motivation, character, and learning styles of children.
“The use of test kits are intended to help parents more easily to understand that potential. By identifying talent early child, a parent much easier to provide the stimulus and the right direction,” Andrian said Benny Hidayat, Director of Research Lab PsychoBiometric R & D Talent Spectrum.
He explained that currently many parents and teachers who struggle to interact with children, so ask for children to learn is not an easy thing. Not infrequently parents forcing their children also followed the activities that are not interested in tutoring a child. “Every child has the talent, to recognize it, this could be a start-up capital to achieve the ideals of the child,” he explained.
Andrian emphasized that fingerprint analysis is not a prediction because it is based on research and natural methods. “This analysis tool is not a verdict, the gauge of intelligence, as well as a comparison tool,” he explained in a seminar themed “Fingerprint Analysis” held by the Frisian Flag in Jakarta, Saturday (6/3/2010).
The experts in the field of dermatoglyphics (the study of fingerprint pattern) and the neuro-anatomy (anatomy medicine) have found that patterns of genetic fingerprints, and has emerged as a fetus in the womb.
Stroke-stroke patterns in fingerprints skin, known as epidermal lines, it has a correlation with growth hormone system in the same brain cells by a factor of epidermal lines.
Basically fingerprint analysis method is only to interpret the potential in a child, while achieving the child’s intelligence capability is more influenced by the work done by children with the support of parents, teachers, and the environment.
“By understanding the potential talents of children, parents can learn the best ways a child can do in the study. In addition, a prominent child talent can also be developed with the energy and cost, and in a more efficient,” Andrian said.
In addition to fingerprint analysis method, there are several other methods to measure a person’s personality, which is a psychometric method that measures a person’s psychological condition of the aspects raised by the behavior. For example, IQ tests, aptitude tests interests, personality tests, grafologi, and test images.

Junk Food Addiction

Posted: by Pelajar Bodoh in

Its frequency of eating foods that are classified as junk food, did have effects such as addiction to cocaine or nicotine, and causes overeating drive that ended in obesity.
Although studies in animal models can not be directly applied to humans, a study in mice showed excessive consumption of foods high in calories can trigger cravings in the brain response. Consumption of high calorie foods are also made in the laboratory mice eat compulsively.
The researchers also found decreasing levels of dopamine receptors, hormones in the brain that gives the sensation of feeling good and happy, in the obese mice, similar to the response in the human brain on drugs. This means that the brain responses of people who are addicted to drugs the same as people who eat junk food hobby.
“Obesity is a form of overeating impulse response. Therefore, therapy in the form of other addictions, such as drug addiction, may give a positive effect on the junk food junkie,” said Paul Kenny, researchers from the United States.
Foods that are generally classified as junk food contains calories, fat, and high salt, more than needed. Meanwhile, the accompanying beverages contain sugar foods with high levels.

Bedakan antara Cinta dengan Nafsu.

Posted: by Pelajar Bodoh in

So guys,, ada banyak faktor yang membuat rasa cinta itu tumbuh. Seiring dengan perjalanan cinta, rasa cinta dan nafsu pun sangat sulit dibedakan. Jadi bagaimana anda tahu apakah itu cinta atau nafsu ?
well, mungkin antara cinta dan nafsu ada komponen emosional dan fisiologisnya yang berbeda. Romantisme dan perasaan cinta seseorang mendorong efek dopamin dan kadar serotonin, yang menyebabkan perasaan gembira dan hilangnya nafsu makan. Ketika kita sampai ke titik perasaan tersebut dan makin panjangnya jangka percintaan, tubuh kita menghasilkan lebih banyak oxytocin (dikenal sebagai "hormon cinta"). Sementara gairah seks dan nafsu untuk seks, dapat datang selama proses percintaan yang dihasilkan oleh kadar testosteron yang meningkat, baik pada pria maupun wanita. Dan semakin tingginya kadar testosteron, bakal  menginspirasi perasaan yang terfokus pada perhatian dan gairah seksual lhoo..
Jadi secara umumnya dapat dikatakan kalo perasaan cinta itu muncul dari daya tarik seseorang.  (postulat ngasal)
Kaum pria itu cenderung jatuh cinta dengan wanita dari wajahnya yang cantik. Sementara kaum wanita lebih tertarik dengan pria yang berdompet tebal. (setelah pengamatan beberapa dekade terakhir)
Hmm, emang sih kita cenderung memilih pasangan yang memiliki daya tarik dengan tingkat yang sama. Dari sudut pandang evolusi, ini masuk akal karena pria ingin memperbaiki keturunan mereka, sementara wanita mencari pria yang dapat membantu mereka untuk menyokong kebutuhan anak-anak mereka. (teori dasar banget, ekologi animalia nih)
So,, apakah usia mempengaruhi keinginan untuk seks ??? 
Eiits,"Laki-laki muda memiliki testosteron 10 kali lebih pada awal usia 20-an, dan ini adalah puncak or climax dari dorongan seks mereka. Di sisi lain, dorongan seksual untuk wanita adalah saat berusia akhir 20-an dan awal 30-an.
Dan pada akhirnya, semakin menurunnya tingkat testosteron pada pria cenderung membuat mereka lebih mengasihani. Sebaliknya, dengan menurunnya tingkat estrogen pada wanita seiring dengan usia, mereka akan menjadi lebih tegas. Ini ada hubungannya loh dengan kenyataan bahwa proporsi testosteron dalam sistem wanita memainkan peran yang lebih besar layaknya estrogen.  (STT=Sotoy Tingkat Tinggi)

Donna Donna Donna

Posted: by Pelajar Bodoh in

On a waggon bound for market
there's a calf with a mournful eye.
High above him there's a swallow,
winging swiftly through the sky.

How the winds are laughing,
they laugh with all their might.
Laugh and laugh the whole day through,
and half the summers night.

Donna, Donna, Donna, Donna;
Donna, Donna, Donna, Don.
Donna, Donna, Donna, Donna;
Donna, Donna, Donna, Don.

Stop complaining!.. said the farmer,
Who told you a calf to be?
Why don't you have wings to fly with,
like the swallow so proud and free?

Calves are easily bound and slaughtered,
never knowing the reason why.
But whoever treasures freedom,
like the swallow has learned to fly.

Always Be There - Maher Zein

Posted: Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011 by Pelajar Bodoh in Label:



If you ask me about Love
And what I know about it,
My answer will be,

It’s everything about Allah
The pure love to our soul
Who have created you and me,
The heaven and whole universe
The One that made us hold and free
The Guardian of His True believers

So when the time gets hard
There’s no way to turn
As He promises to you
He’ll always be there
To bless us with His love and His mercy coz
As He promises to you
He’ll always be there

He’s always watching us, guiding us
And He knows what’s in our little heart
So when you lose your way to Allah
You should turn
As He promises to you He’ll always be there ...

Could bring the sun from the darkness
Into the light
Capable of everything

Should never feel afraid of anything
As long as we follow His guidance
All the way through a short time
We have in this life
Soon it’ll all be over
And we’ll be in His heaven
And we’ll all be fined

So when the time gets hard
There’s no way to turn
As He promises to you
He’ll always be there
To bless us with His love and His mercy coz
As He promises to you
He’ll always be there
He’s always watching us, guiding us
And He knows what’s in our little Heart
So when you lose your way to Allah
You should turn
As He promises to you He’ll always be there



Posted: Sabtu, 05 Maret 2011 by Pelajar Bodoh in

Dalam hati, aku selalu berharap hubunganku dengan seseorang nanti seperti hubungan binatang yang selalu setia satu sama pasangan selama hidupnya. Ambil contoh burung lovebirds  (genus Agapornis), burung ini setia sama satu pasangan selama hidupnya, sampai-sampai ketika pasangannya mati, burung yang satunya lagi akan merenung, depresi, akhirnya tidak lama kemudian mati menyusul pasangannya. Romantis banget ya ?

Tidak seperti burung lovebirds , manusia adalah spesies yang aneh. Kebanyakan dari kita pasti pernah ngerasain putus, dan semakin banyak kita menjalin hubungan, semakin banyak kita ngerasain putus. Menjalin relasi atau hubungan yang biasa disebut pacaran pada dasarnya punya resiko: ngambek, marah, dan akhirnya diselingkuhi, dan patah hati. Tapi kita, sebagai manusia, tetep aja masih mau pacaran. Karena kita seperti belalang, tahu bahwa untuk mencintai seseorang, butuh keberanian.

00.48 WIB

Posted: by Pelajar Bodoh in

I can’t pretend I wasn’t terrified to meet you,
I knew you could see right through me..
I saw my life flash light before my very eyes
And I just knew what we’d turn into
I was hoping that you could see..


Posted: by Pelajar Bodoh in

Kau adalah sosok yang punyai arti
Kau puisi ketika datang sepi
Saat nikmati indah sunset pantai kuta
Hadirmu jadi pelengkapku di tata surya
Aku butuh dunia.. dan kau
sebagai pendamping ketika ku rasakan galau
Aku butuh cinta.. dan kau
adalah tema saatku rasakan galau

Kau ada untuk melengkapi diriku
Kau tercipta untuk menutupi kekuranganku
L. O. V. E. yang membuatku bisa bertahan
Seperti rumput yang tak kan tumbang oleh topan
Emosi, perasaan, jaminan rasa aman
Kau sanggup taklukan hati dengan sebuah senyuman
Aku berdiri karna kau hadir di sisi
You’re my everything..
kau takkan pernah terganti..

Kaulah belahan hatiku
yang terangi aku
dengan cintamu
Kau hangatkan jiwaku
dan slimuti aku
dengan kasihmu

Ku coba gapai apa yang kau ingin
Saat ku terjatuh sakit kau adalah aspirin
Coba menuntunmu agar ada di dalam track
Kau catatan terindah di dalam teks
Dan aku mengerti apa yang kau mau,
hargai dirimu, menjadi imammu
Karna kau diciptakan dari tulang rusukku
selain itu karna kau bagian dariku.

Dan dirimu damaikan..
Dan artimu..
tak akan.. berakhir..

Pecahkan saja !

Posted: by Pelajar Bodoh in

Ku lari ke hutan kemudian menyanyi ku
Ku lari ke pantai kemudian teriak ku
Sepi... sepi dan sendiri aku benci
Aku ingin bingar... aku mau di pasar
Bosan aku dengan penat, dan enyah saja kau pekat
Seperti berjelaga jika ku sendiri
Pecahkan saja gelasnya biar ramai!
Biar mengaduh sampai gaduh!
Ada malaikat menyulam jaring laba-laba belang di tembok keraton putih
Kenapa tak goyangkan saja loncengnya biar terdera
Atau aku harus lari ke hutan,
belok ke pantai?

Alright, let me tell this.. It's a New Revolution !

Posted: by Pelajar Bodoh in

Ok, di sini gue bakal melakukan sebuah perubahan kecil soal gaya dan cara penulisan gue menjadi lebih berbahasa ibu dan ‘no slank’ agar tulisan gue bisa masuk ke dalam kategori “sastra” berat yang beresensi tinggi dibandingkan sebelumnya.
Trus, gue juga akan menggeser kiblat penulisan gue yang sebelumnya ke Radit-Raditan menjadi tulisan gue yang lebih percaya diri.

Well, that’ll begin at Now!