Junk Food Addiction
Posted: Minggu, 27 Maret 2011 by Pelajar Bodoh in
Its frequency of eating foods that are classified as junk food, did have effects such as addiction to cocaine or nicotine, and causes overeating drive that ended in obesity.
Although studies in animal models can not be directly applied to humans, a study in mice showed excessive consumption of foods high in calories can trigger cravings in the brain response. Consumption of high calorie foods are also made in the laboratory mice eat compulsively.
The researchers also found decreasing levels of dopamine receptors, hormones in the brain that gives the sensation of feeling good and happy, in the obese mice, similar to the response in the human brain on drugs. This means that the brain responses of people who are addicted to drugs the same as people who eat junk food hobby.
“Obesity is a form of overeating impulse response. Therefore, therapy in the form of other addictions, such as drug addiction, may give a positive effect on the junk food junkie,” said Paul Kenny, researchers from the United States.
Foods that are generally classified as junk food contains calories, fat, and high salt, more than needed. Meanwhile, the accompanying beverages contain sugar foods with high levels.