Child Talent Through peer Fingerprint Analysis
Posted: Minggu, 27 Maret 2011 by Pelajar Bodoh in
The earliest steps to develop the potential of intelligence is to recognize the child’s talents and learning styles. To find out, parents can bring children to do the fingerprint analysis (fingerprint analysis).
Fingerprint analysis is a method of measurement by scanning (scanning) the child’s fingerprints to see the brain working style of the most dominant in terms of potential, motivation, character, and learning styles of children.
“The use of test kits are intended to help parents more easily to understand that potential. By identifying talent early child, a parent much easier to provide the stimulus and the right direction,” Andrian said Benny Hidayat, Director of Research Lab PsychoBiometric R & D Talent Spectrum.
He explained that currently many parents and teachers who struggle to interact with children, so ask for children to learn is not an easy thing. Not infrequently parents forcing their children also followed the activities that are not interested in tutoring a child. “Every child has the talent, to recognize it, this could be a start-up capital to achieve the ideals of the child,” he explained.
Andrian emphasized that fingerprint analysis is not a prediction because it is based on research and natural methods. “This analysis tool is not a verdict, the gauge of intelligence, as well as a comparison tool,” he explained in a seminar themed “Fingerprint Analysis” held by the Frisian Flag in Jakarta, Saturday (6/3/2010).
The experts in the field of dermatoglyphics (the study of fingerprint pattern) and the neuro-anatomy (anatomy medicine) have found that patterns of genetic fingerprints, and has emerged as a fetus in the womb.
Stroke-stroke patterns in fingerprints skin, known as epidermal lines, it has a correlation with growth hormone system in the same brain cells by a factor of epidermal lines.
Basically fingerprint analysis method is only to interpret the potential in a child, while achieving the child’s intelligence capability is more influenced by the work done by children with the support of parents, teachers, and the environment.
“By understanding the potential talents of children, parents can learn the best ways a child can do in the study. In addition, a prominent child talent can also be developed with the energy and cost, and in a more efficient,” Andrian said.
In addition to fingerprint analysis method, there are several other methods to measure a person’s personality, which is a psychometric method that measures a person’s psychological condition of the aspects raised by the behavior. For example, IQ tests, aptitude tests interests, personality tests, grafologi, and test images.